こんにちは!やしろ きのこです。
Hello. My name is Yashiro Mushroom.
February 4, 2023 is Risshun. Since spring is the first weather season in the 24 solar terms, Risshun is considered to be the beginning of the New Year. So, about a month has passed in 2023, and I went to Hatsumode again on the day of Risshun.
I visited the shrine in the morning before the town of Jiyugaoka had yet to start moving, but there was no end to the number of worshippers. There was even a line at the shrine office for a while. Perhaps it was because of the Risshun red seal, but it seems to be a very popular shrine.

About Jiyugaoka Midorigaoka Kumano Shrine

御祭神 -Gods | 速玉之男命(はやたまのおのみこと) Hayatamanonomikoto 伊弉冉尊(いざなみのみこと) Izanaminomikoto 泉津事解之男命(よもつことさかのおのみこと) Yomotsukotosakanonomikoto |
所在地 -Addres | 〒152-0035 東京都目黒区自由が丘1ー24ー12 1-24-12 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo |
電話番号 -Tel | 03-3717-7720 |
最寄り駅 -Nearest station | 東急東横線/東急大井町線「自由が丘駅」正面口から徒歩5分 |
社務所 授与時間 -Business Hours | 平日 9:30~15:30 土日祝 9:30~16:30 |
ご利益 -Grace of God | 厄除け 商売繁盛 安産 縁結び 交通安全 開運 守護 warding off evil rush of business easy childbirth marriage traffic safety better fortune protection |
公式instagram | @kumano_jinjya |
当社は、熊野信仰と深い結びつきを持った神社です。熊野信仰の源流は、深い自然に囲まれた紀伊山地の霊場「熊野三山」。平安時代中期から公家の間で、熊野三山を極楽浄土の地として参詣する「熊野詣」が行われるようになり、鎌倉時代には武士や庶民にも広がりました。碑衾地区(現在の自由が丘・緑が丘周辺地域)からの「熊野詣」の記録も残ることから、熊野本宮に参詣し、祭神の霊を拝受して祀ったのが当社の始まりと思われます。 建立年月日は明らかではありませんが、熊野の森の神様は、昔も今も変わらず、この自由が丘の地を見守っています。
Our company is a shrine with deep ties to Kumano worship. The origin of Kumano worship is the Kumano Sanzan (three mountains), a sacred site in the Kii mountain range surrounded by deep nature. From the middle of the Heian period (794-1185), court nobles began to make pilgrimages to Kumano Sanzan as a place of paradise, and in the Kamakura period (1192-1333), it spread to samurai and common people as well. Since there are records of “Kumano Pilgrimage” from the Hirabusuma area (present-day Jiyugaoka and Midorigaoka area), it is thought that the Kumano Pilgrimage to Kumano Hongu, where the spirits of the deities were worshiped and enshrined, was the beginning of the Kumano Pilgrimage. Although the date of construction is not known, the god of the Kumano forest still watches over the Jiyugaoka area as he did in the past.
自由が丘・緑が丘熊野神社の境内 precincts

The approach to the temple is moderately long, and there is even a third torii gate.
There is a public restroom on the left side of the approach and a park with playground equipment on the right side.
There are stairs at the Omotesando entrance.
The North Approach entrance allows visitors to worship without climbing the stairs, so those with strollers or wheelchairs are encouraged to worship from that entrance.


These are komainu (guardian dogs) at the bottom of the stairs. They have big eyes, noses, and mouths.

Kyujiro Kuriyama was born as the eldest son of the old Kuriyama family. He devoted himself to the improvement of village administration, education, and culture as the mayor of the village of Hibusuma Later, he formed the Western part of Hibusuma and devoted himself to the arable land consolidation project. When the Toyoko Line was built, he contributed to attracting Jiyugaoka Station. He also made the decision to change the name of the neighborhood from “Hibusuma-machi Oaza-fusuma” to “Hibusuma-machi Oaza Jiyugaoka”. This naming, which was in accordance with the wishes of the residents for the development of the area, marked the beginning of the current name “Jiyugaoka. In honor of his many accomplishments, a statue of Old Kyujiro Kuriyama has been erected in our company, which is the town guardian of Jiyugaoka.

The hand basin was decorated with flowers that appeared to be alstroemeria.

御祈祷はこちらで行います。The main hall was reconstructed in 1909 and the worship hall in 1967. There is also an old record that in 1796, the shrine was reconstructed using trees from the current site.
Prayers are offered here.

This is a guardian dog in front of the shrine. This one is a little sharper. This guardian dog also has large eyes.

The kaguraden is a building used for performing kagura, a Shinto ritual that has been handed down since ancient times. Our Kaguraden was reconstructed in 1934 from a straw-thatched roof to the current copper-sheet roof. In addition to the dedication of kagura, the autumn festival features performances of “Meguro-bayashi,” an intangible folk cultural asset of Meguro Ward that has been handed down since the Edo period, with the sounds of flutes and drums echoing through the kagura hall.

Agriculture, commerce, and business prosperity
One of the “Inari Shrines” widely known as shrines dedicated to the gods of commerce, agriculture and grain. The messenger of the god Inari is believed to be a fox. The messenger of the Inari God is believed to be a fox, and a guardian fox is also placed at the Fushimi Inari Shrine.


It is said that the saplings were brought from Yoshino Grand Shrine in Kishu and grown there. The red pine is called “Onna-matsu” (female pine) and the black pine is called “Otoko-matsu” (male pine).

This is the torii gate on the north approach side. The roots of the tree next to the torii were so thick that it was amazing.
自由が丘・緑が丘熊野神社のお守り Amulet

ふくろうは漢字で書くと「不苦労」 。 苦労がなくなるといくことで開運アイテムとしても人気ですね。
This is a limited edition Omamori for the year 2023 (Mizunotou).
The owl is written in Chinese characters as “fukuro”, which means “no more hardship”. It is popular as an item of good luck because it is said to eliminate hardships.
The owl with a pine, bamboo, and plum pattern looks auspicious.


自由が丘・緑が丘熊野神社のおみくじ Omikuji

Jiyugaoka-Midorigaoka Kumano Shrine has a wide variety of “yurumikuji,” a kind of fortune with a fortune inside a doll. There are beckoning cats, yatagarasu (three-legged crow), foxes, rabbits of the Chinese zodiac, and more, making it hard to decide which one is right for you.


『桃みくじ』で神意をお授け戴いた後は、邪気祓いとしてお飾りください。In the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters), it is written that when Izanagi no Mikoto was attacked by an ugly woman in the Land of Hades, he threw a peach seed to drive her away.
It is said that Momotaro, who was inspired by the power of peaches in the old tale “Momotaro”, exterminated ogres, which are also a symbol of evil spirits.
After receiving the divine power from the “Momo-mikuji”, please display it as an exorcism for evil spirits.

グルメ -Nearby Gourmet-

ピーターラビットガーデンカフェ自由が丘 Peter Rabbit Garden Cafe Jiyugaoka |
〒152-0035 東京都目黒区自由が丘1-25-20 自由が丘MYU 1F 1-25-20 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo Jiyugaoka MYU 1F |
営業時間:平日 11:00~19:00(LO18:00) 土日祝 11:00~20:00(LO19:00) |
定休日:無休 Closed: Open every day |

I visited a Peter Rabbit cafe, which is perfect for the Year of the Rabbit. The exterior and interior are cute, and you can enjoy the world of Peter Rabbit. This time I visited for lunch and chose the omelette rice. The omelette was served hot and fluffy! It was served hot.
There is also a dessert menu and an afternoon tea menu.

