こんにちは!やしろ きのこです。
Hello! I’m Yashiro, a mushroom.
“Treasure” and “Ebisu” are the names of shrines that seem to bring you good luck in money.
This shrine is one of those rare shrines where you can get a charm or a red seal on a limited number of days.


御祭神 | 事代主命(Kotoshironushinomikoto) 少彦名命(Sukunahikonanomikoto) 大国主神(Okuninushinomikoto) 大己貴命(Onamochinomikoto) 素盞嗚命(Susanonomikoto) |
所在地 | 〒103-0023 東京都中央区日本橋本町3-10-11 3-10-11 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo |
最寄り駅 | 東京地下鉄日比谷線「小伝馬町駅(H15)」(3出口) 徒歩3分 JR東日本総武線快速線 「新日本橋駅(JO20)」(5出口) 徒歩3分 |
社務所 授与時間 | 正月松の内(1月1日~7日)/初恵比寿(1月20日)/べったら市(10月19日・20日)の期間のみ。 |
ご利益 | 商売繁盛・家族繁栄・火防守護・交通安全 |
公式HP | 享保三年創業江戸屋 べったらい市・べったら市保存会について記載あり |
其の後村民の生活は金銀為替、駅伝、水陸運輸、それぞれ重要な役を賜り、馬込勘解由は名主となって三伝馬取締役に出世し御役名に因んで大伝馬町の町名を賜って、伊勢・駿河・遠江・美濃・尾張、家康公ゆかりの国々より商人を集めて、あらゆる物資の集散地として大江戸開発と商売発祥の地として大変賑わったのであります。現在も周辺の老舗大小商社が軒を並べて今尚盛んな取引が続いて居ります。宝田恵比寿神は商売繫昌、家族繁栄の守護神として崇敬者は広く関東一円に及び毎年十月十九日「べったら市」、二十日の恵比寿神祭が両日に亘り盛大に執り行われます。べったら市は「年またあらたまる」今年も年末が近づき、お正月を迎える心構えをする商家にとって大切な年中行事として旧家は今日でも恵比寿講をお祝いするのであります。Takarada Shrine was the Shinto shrine of Takarada Village outside of Edo Castle more than 360 years ago, in the 11th year of Keicho Era. When Ieyasu Tokugawa ordered the relocation of the three villages of Takarada, Shukuda, and Chiyoda (near present-day Tsukiyama in Miyagi Prefecture) due to the expansion of Edo Castle, a man named Magome Kageyu dedicated the Takarada village shrine and led the residents to move to this location in groups. When Ieyasu Ieyasu entered the Tokugawa shogunate, a man named Magome Kageyu accompanied him from Mikawa Province, and because of his great achievement, he was given Ebisu-sama to pray for the prosperity of Tokugawa Ieyasu. It is said to have been created by Unkei, a master craftsman of the Kamakura period (1185-1333).
After that, the villagers were given important roles in the exchange of gold and silver, ekiden, and land and water transportation, and Magome Kageyu became the head of the village and rose to the position of director of Sandenma, and the town was named Odenma-cho in honor of his role. The area was the cradle of the development of Oedo and the birthplace of business. Even today, many long-established trading companies, large and small, line the streets of the area, and business continues to thrive. Takarada Ebisu Shrine is widely worshipped throughout the Kanto region as a guardian deity of business and family prosperity, and is the site of the annual Bentara Market on October 19 and the Ebisu Shrine Festival on October 20. The Bettara Market is an important annual event for merchants as the end of the year approaches and they prepare for the New Year.


Since I visited on New Year’s Day, the torii gate was decorated with a kadomatsu.

No water was produced.

The roof is magnificent, but from the side it looks like an ordinary house.
Both sides are parking lots, and it looks as if it could be built in a cramped space. It is the fate of the city.

The information about the Bettara Market and the difference between red seal book The information about the difference is posted on the bulletin board.
It seems that the mistake of the red seal book was made in 2017, so it has been a long time, but if you have any idea about it, please contact Edoya.


The shrine is usually unmanned, but during New Year’s, a tent was set up across from the shrine so that visitors could obtain good luck charms and red seals.


When you open the bag, you will find a 5 yen coin.
It is said that if you keep this 5 yen in your wallet, you will never be troubled with money. It is said that it will bring you good luck and meld gold, silver, and treasures.


