こんにちは!やしろ きのこです。
Hello! My name is Kinoko Yashiro.
This time, I would like to introduce Suehiro Shrine in our Nihonbashi shrine tour. This shrine is dedicated to Bishamonten, one of the “Seven Gods of Good Luck in Nihonbashi”. Bishamonten is said to be a great shrine in the trader’s world because it is blessed with “luck to win” and Uganomitama-no-Mikoto is also blessed with money and prosperous business.

About Suehiro Shrine

御祭神 -Gods | 宇賀之美多摩命(うがのみたまのみこと) uganomitamanomikoto 毘沙門天(びしゃもんてん) bishamonten 大國主神(おおくにぬしのみこと) okuninushinomikoto 少彦名神(すくなびこのみこと) sukunabikonomikoto 素戔之男神(すさのおおのみこと) susanoonomikoto 大宮比売神(おおみやひめのみこと) omiyahimenomikoto |
所在地 -Addres | 〒103-0013 東京都中央区日本橋人形町2丁目25-20 25-20, Nihonbashi Ningyocho 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo |
電話番号 -Tel | 03-3667-4250 |
最寄り駅 -Nearest station | 東京メトロ日比谷線・都営浅草線「人形町駅(H14)」 徒歩3分 |
社務所 授与時間 -Business Hours | 9:00~17:00 |
ご利益 -Grace of God | 勝運・災難除け・商売繁盛・金運財運向上 Luck in victory・ protection against calamity・ prosperity in business,・improvement of financial fortune |
公式HP | 末廣神社 |
公式instagram | @suehirojinjya |
According to ancient documents, the shrine was established in 1596.
In 1615, by order of Tokugawa Ieyasu, Yamamotoin Jitsuyo was brought from Suruga province to this area to serve the Company.
In 1617, with permission from the shogunate, Shoji Jin’emon and others developed the surrounding area, which at the time was undeveloped swampland, and established Edomachi 1 and 2-chome and Kyomachi 1 and 2-chome. This became the first brothel in Edo, Yoshiwara, and as the town became more and more prosperous, people began to faithfully worship the shrine as a guardian deity.In 1656, the shogunate ordered the relocation of Yoshihara to make way for the expansion of the city of Edo, and the following year, Yoshihara was destroyed by the Great Meireki Fire. In the same year, the brothels were relocated to Asakusa, where “Shin-Yoshiwara” was established.
Even after the relocation of Yoshihara, the town remained lively, and the shrine was worshipped as the guardian deity of the four towns on its site: Naniwacho (now Ningyocho 2-chome Naniwa-kai), Sumiyoshicho (now Ningyocho 2-chome Ninobe-cho kai), Takasagocho (now the southern part of Tomizawa-cho) and Shin Izumi-cho (now the southern eastern part of Ningyocho 3-chome).
Since many residences of officials serving the shogunate were located in the vicinity of the shrine, the shrine has been deeply revered by them, and many items have been dedicated to the shrine, including komainu (guardian dogs), tamagaki (a small fence around the shrine), curtains, and furnishings.The current shrine pavilion was rebuilt in 1947 (all cypress construction).
神社の境内 precincts

It was the type where water comes out of the dragon’s mouth.

The flat nose and beard of this guardian dog resemble “Bakabon no Papa”.

The ema (votive tablet) depicts a picture of Bishamonten.

It is a small shrine. Surrounded by an overhanging roof and surrounding buildings, it is a bit cramped.
There is a statue of Bishamonten in the center with many offerings placed around it.
To the right is the shrine office.

古い文献をひらくと「その昔、火消し役の関伊織久盛、青山鉄之助、青柳勘四郎、鈴木伊勢守、寺社奉行 青山因幡守、町奉行小田伊豆守、能勢肥後守 などその当時祭礼に仕え奉りて産子の益、人弥益々に立栄くる」とあり、当時より末廣神社の祭礼には多くの武士が関わっていたことがわかります。
火消しの「いろは組」の石碑が神社に奉納され現存しているのは珍しく、火災や災害の多かった当時の江戸の人々の火伏せ・災難除けを願う神への崇敬心の深さが伺われます。An old document says, “In those days, fire extinguishers Hisamori Seki Iori, Tetsunosuke Aoyama, Kanshiro Aoyagi, Isenokami Suzuki, Inabanokami
Aoyama, Izunokami Oda, and Higonokami Nose served at the festival to benefit children and people, and the shrine prospered. It is clear that many warriors were involved in the Suehiro Shrine rituals from that time.
At that time, there were many fire extinguishers in Edo, and the fire extinguisher mansion (today’s fire station) was located in Hamacho near the shrine, which was responsible for disaster prevention in the area.
It is rare to find a stone monument dedicated to the “Iroha-gumi” of firefighters at a shrine and still in existence, which shows the depth of reverence of the people of Edo, where fires and disasters were common, for the god of fire prevention and protection from calamities.

置いたお金を持っていると徳運が貯まり、また、使っても徳運が広がるといわれています。There is a large vertebra tree in the precincts of the temple. At the base of the tree is a stone that is said to have the power to bestow and enhance various virtues.
After praying, place your wealth (money) on the stone and make a wish.
It is said that if you keep the placed money, you will accumulate virtuous luck, and if you spend it, you will also spread virtuous luck.
Place the money on the tray
We put our hands together and chant in our hearts, “Iya, Suehirogari.
‘ll bring the money back.
Spending that money spreads good fortune.
With that money, you can save a fortune.


末廣神社のお守り Amulet

今回はお守りはいただきませんでしたが。「勝守(2種 各初穂料600円)」が人気なようです。
Red seals can be found on the official Instagram.
■Suehiro Shrine
The above two types are available for a first fee of 500 yen each.
You can write directly on the seal book.
Although not from Suehiro Shrine, Chanoki-jinja Shrine is usually unmanned, so you can also receive Hotei-sama’s red seal here. (First earning fee 500 yen).
