こんにちは!やしろ きのこです。
Hello! I’m Kinoko Yashiro.
I know many people visit the Seven Gods of Good Fortune during the New Year’s holidays, and this is the shrine where one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, Ebisu is enshrined.
This shrine is also famous for praying for lottery ticket winners. Why don’t you gather good fortune during New Year’s to receive blessings and prepare for the year-end jumbo lottery?

About Suginomori Shrine

御祭神 -Gods | 倉稲魂大神(うがのみたまのおおかみ) uganomitamanookami 素戔嗚大神(すさのおのおおかみ) susanonookami 大市姫大神(おおいちひめのおおかみ) oichihimenookami 大巳貴大神(おおなむちのおおかみ) onamuchinookami 四大神 相殿:恵比寿大神 ebisunookami |
所在地 -Addres | 〒103-0012 東京都中央区日本橋堀留町1-10-2 1-10-2 Nihonbashi Horidome-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo |
電話番号 -Tel | 03-3661-5462 |
最寄り駅 -Nearest station | 東京メトロ日比谷線・都営浅草線「人形町駅(H14)」 徒歩5分 東京メトロ日比谷線「小伝馬町駅(H15)」 徒歩5分 |
社務所 授与時間 -Business Hours | 9:30~17:00 |
ご利益 -Grace of God | 衣食住・商売守護 疫病祓除 市神・商売守護 福徳開運商売守護 殖産増進 福徳開運商売守護 宝くじ当選祈願 |
公式HP | 椙森神社 |
江戸名所図会等にも掲載されている神社です。In 940 (Tenkei 3), Tawarafujita Hidesato (later Fujiwara Hidesato), a powerful opponent of Taira no Masakado, came to pray for victory in battle and defeated a powerful enemy in the Land of Shimosa (part of Chiba Prefecture). In gratitude for the fulfillment of his wish, he dedicated a statue of a white and silver fox, which was always revered. (still in existence).
In 1466, when farmers in the Kanto region were exhausted by drought, Ota Dosan paid a visit to the shrine to pray for rain, and was greatly pleased.
Since then, the festival has been held every year on the day of the Rabbit in mid-April (present day May 16), and has become so popular that some people stop by Nishinomaru no Armor no Watashi on their way from Shibahara-juku to Mutsu.
During the Edo period (1603-1867), this shrine was one of the Edo Sanmori (Sugimori, Yanagimori, and Karasumori), and many feudal lords visited the shrine to pray. It also flourished as a center of commerce, with flower sumo tournaments held for ten days on sunny days and wealth lottery events, one of the three richest in Tokyo.The Shinto priest Yoshikawa Koretari was particularly devout, and in the Kanbun era, more than 300 years ago, he dedicated Ebisu no Kami to Daimonji, one of the five Inari shrines, and a grand festival is held there every year to this day.
Even though things change, the stars move, and the times change, the divine virtues are as boundless as heaven and earth.
This shrine has a long history and is mentioned in “Edo Meisho Zue” (Edo Meisho Zue) and other publications.
椙森神社の境内 precincts

This is the torii gate on the front (west) side.

This is a simple chozuya
It is white and light blue, the same colors as the shrine pavilion.

It is a plump and fleshy guardian dog. It gives a sense of affluence. It is suitable for a shrine to pray for a lottery ticket.

The white, light blue, and red colors of the shrine pavilion are fashionable.

社務所は張り紙多めでした。御札・お守り、この時期は「節分 開運御守(福豆3合・福銭付き、初穂料1000円)」も授与していました。
There were many signs posted at the shrine office. At the shrine office, ema (votive picture tablet), good luck charms, and “Setsubun Kaiun Omamori (lucky charm with 3 cups of lucky beans and lucky money, 1,000 yen for the first earning)” are available.
The “Nihonbashi Seven Lucky Gods Treasure Boat” (first earner’s fee 5,000 yen) is also awarded.

この富塚は、他に類を見ないと言われ、日本で唯一の物です。今日では宝くじの元祖として多くの人々が、心中祈願している様です。This mound was erected in 1920 as a memorial to the spirit of the common people, but it was destroyed by the Great Kanto Earthquake. After that, the shrine parishioners learned of the story of the mound, and in November 1953, the mound was reconstructed by volunteers.
This mound is said to be unique and the only one of its kind in Japan. Today, as the originator of the lottery, many people pray to it in their hearts.

This is the torii gate on the back (east) side.
椙森神社のお守り -Amulet

A “Lottery Bag” is given to visitors to put a lottery ticket in and pray for a winning ticket.
The bag is decorated with a picture of a mound of wealth and comes with a good-luck charm.
After purchasing a lottery ticket, pray for it at the Tomizuka, put it in this container, and look forward to the announcement of the winning ticket.

椙森神社の御朱印 -Red seal

Red seals are available for Sugimori Shrine and Ebisu Shrine. The seals are written directly on the seal.
The original red seal book with a picture of Tomizuka and Ebisu looks good for good luck.
